(logos) Here's What Pepsi, Victoria's Secret, And Other Corporate Logos Would Say If They Were Being Honest

The joke led Dickens to create Honest Slogans, a website dedicated to re-imagining how corporate logos would look if they were being honest about the goods and services they sold.
As he did with the Pepsi logo, Dickens tries to present what he calls "slices of life" that resonate with the frustrations and experiences of anyone who's felt inadequate after watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show, or been hit with big service charges when purchasing tickets on Ticketmaster.

Dickens works as a graphic designer for the hospital operator Hospital Corporation of America and has updated the blog intermittently since creating it in 2011. But after seeing the site gain popularity once he shared it on Reddit, Dickens says he is now trying to update it with a new logo every work day.
"A lot of them are a bit harsh, I guess," Dickens told Business Insider. "I try to make it so that even if Kmart or another company were to see it, they could kind of nod their heads in agreement. I try to keep it tasteful, but it's a little bit tongue-in-cheek."
Here's the Kmart logo Dickens referenced, as well as some of our other favorites:

Yellow Pages honest slogan
