Sumo Wrestlers: This is How You Get Fat!

Here is some good info for you guys - reverse psychology!

There's only one sport where they actually aim to gain as much body
fat as possible: Sumo Wrestling.

Here is what a sumo wrestler does to get fat:

1. Skip breakfast. By depriving their bodies of food after eight hours
of sleep, their metabolic rates stay low.

2. Exercise on an empty stomach. If their bodies have
no food, their metabolic thermostats are turned down even lower to
conserve fuel.

3. Take a nap after eating. The Sumo secret for gaining weight is
that, after eating, they sleep for at least four hours.

4. Eat late in the day. Going to bed with full stomachs means that
their bodies must respond to the huge flood of nutrients with a rush
of insulin, forcing their bodies to store some of it in the cells as
fat instead of in the muscles and organs as nutrients.

5. Always eat with others in a social atmosphere. According to leading
researchers, a meal eaten with others can be at least 44 percent
larger and with 30 percent more calories and fat.
