Cool stuff CNN is doing w/ Microsoft Photosynth during "The Moment" 1/20/2009 @ 12PM EST.

Photosynth is a Microsoft technology that creates 3D spaces from anyone's 2D photos. Go to to see thousands of "synths" made by people around the world, from the grandeur of the roman Coliseum to the engrossing weird portrait of a banana peel. You can even make one yourself. 

 Learn more about Photosynth 
 See system requirements
 Install Silverlight 


1. Take one photo of the moment when Obama takes the oath. If you have a digital camera with a zoom lens, take three photos (wide-angle, mid-zoom, full-zoom)

2. E-mail each photo as soon as possible (one photo per message, 10MB size limit). Don't forget to include your name in the message if you'd like to appear in the list of the contributors. Please only send in photos you took yourself.

3. Go to to see all of the photos in our photosynth


You can read more here:
