
(pic) Amazing shot of a diver next to a whale underwater!

(video) Here’s Microsoft’s vision of the Post PC future

Here is the (pic) - Rob Gronkowsk with porn star: Never intended to hurt Pats reputation.

(pic) OK, this right here is the best 1%, 99%, 53% letter so far!

There's blood in the water... Shark Pool, the movie!

(video) We must stop the Duck Face Epidemic!!!

(video) Dinner Date: He Said She Said - un romantic comedy!

RAW VIDEO: Police fire tear gas at 'Occupy Oakland' protesters

(video) Oh smack, its here! The Tim Tebow Song!

(video) Halloween Light Show 2011 - Party Rock Anthem!

(video) Anyone wanna play: Rock! Paper! BALLS!?

Fan Dressed As Referee Stops Game on ESPN and causes fight.

(video) Scary tattooed tough guy is scared shitless of adorable puppy!

(video) Introducing Siri - iPhone 4S (Parody)

(video) Best Pretty Woman Video ever?!

(video) Apple posts 1st Siri iPhone 4S Ad

(video) Touch Your Boobies - Breast Cancer awareness.

Las Vegas man with 100-pound scrotum seeks money for surgery

Black woman takes out frustrations by being racist towards Indian Gas station workers?

(video) At first I was like ... then I was like ... Oh DAMN!

OccupyWallStreet: Marine offers the NYPD some advice regarding police brutality

(video) Want to see what a Scumbag penguin looks like?!

Announcer says "That's kinda gay"?!

'Family Feud' Swallow Question Makes Steve Harvey Fear Future Of Show (VIDEO)

(video) Trick Shot Cage Match: Basketball V. Frisbee

iPhone 4S: What Can You Say to Siri? Funny Easter Eggs

(video) AzR - In Dedication to Steve Jobs (Only Apple Sounds Used!)

Nicki Minaj Sings 'Super Bass' with Sophia Grace (Full Version)

(video) The new and amazing Tug Toner! Only $39.99!

(Pic) No Hope, No Cash, No Jobs, Don't Die!

(video) #49ers Hall-Of-Famer Steve Young Received The Birthday Surprise Of A Lifetime. #flashmob

(pic) The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity.

(video) Crazy Ex Girlfriend - StarCraft 2 Beta Breakup

(video) Password Change WoW Freakout, this is my favorite video ever....

(video) 18 mins: Jewish freestyle rapper DOMINATES competition. QP vs Soul Khan

100 Greatest Internet Videos in 3 Minutes - how many can you name?

(pic) Best Dog costumer Ever?! #starwars

(pic) touched by this woman's quiet dignity, at Midtown Manhattan, NY

(pic) If I was going to carve you a new AHole, it would be like this! #Halloween

(cartoon) When Moses meets Steve Jobs...

(pic) How to test Shortsightedness, really....

(pic) Obama taming the Wall Street Bulls?

(pic) Steve Jobs... And you? What's your excuse?


Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets

(Pic) When Steve Jobs arrived in Heaven...

(pic) Folks paying tribute to the late Steve Jobs at the Apple Store in San Francisco.

(pic) Probably the best Steve Jobs tribute picture all day.

(video) RIP: Steve Jobs: Before the Turtleneck - Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

(video) The SNL Netflix Apology is Dead on!

(pic) Here is a short bed time story for you all...

(video) Here are all of Apple's new videos from today's new iPhone 4S, Siri and iCloud.

(video) Does anyone want to buy my hunting dog!? He's worthless!

(video) Latest creation, the Wasp Sucking Machine!

(video) Looks like Seal pups just want to cuddle.